Please read carefully before completing purchase!
It’s time to plan ahead for your FALL 2019 season pass, and we’ve already started lining up some great films!
Our Cinema Falls Season Pass is a great way to help sustain quality, award-winning, and thought-provoking art house film exhibition in our city and bringing indie film, documentaries and world cinema to the big screen. The FALL 2019 Pass is good for a pre-determined selection of screening events from August to December 2019. (We occasionally host add-on special events outside our regular season that require a separate ticket, and we alert pass holders in advance via email.)
Upcoming films and events are announced via email updates to our pass holders. The season includes a minimum of 10 events and “perks,” and the pass value has ALWAYS exceeded the face value. Cinema Falls fans purchase their pass without knowing all of the upcoming films – they are truly cinematically adventurous!
Sometimes, we add special event screenings that are NOT included in the Fast Pass, and we let you know via email and announcement on screen and “live” at other film events. However, we also host private screening events reserved ONLY for our season passholders! Locations for screenings are announced via email, website, Instagram and Facebook.
Be sure to open and read your emails from us if you purchase a pass as this is your #1 method to be informed about upcoming films and events. WE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR MISSED INFORMATION IF YOU DO NOT CHECK or READ YOUR EMAILS.
Reasons to purchase the Fast Pass:
- Secured seating (but not reserved seats) for all Fast Pass events/films up to 10 minutes before show time. No need to worry when we sell out! You do, however, need to arrive 10 minutes before our film starts.
- Faster check in with no paper tickets to print out, and a quick moving line. You MUST HAVE YOUR PASS. Our volunteers will change with each screening – so you need to have your pass for admission.
- Transfer your pass to friends when you cannot attend. (You are responsible to get the pass back! We do not print back up passes or have extra passes.)
- Enjoy Cine-perks like filmmaker meet and greets, giveaways, early bird seating, private receptions or pre-film events, and private screenings. We love to surprise our season ticket holders!
- Your pass makes possible a season of quality independent, art house film and world cinema – and makes you part of a great community of film fans! Even when you can’t attend, you are being culture creators in Cinema Falls!